Monday, 26 September 2011
Thursday, 2 June 2011
1 liners
Nice Scala 1 liner collection:
Monday, 28 February 2011
In collaboration with Mr Yannick Malins as a result of having too much time in the evenings of a ski holiday. Not actual Scala but close enough.
Recurses thru a directory looking for 'test.txt' files and cats the result to the output file and stdout.
Recurses thru a directory looking for 'test.txt' files and cats the result to the output file and stdout.
'( File FileWriter BufferedReader FileReader))
(def myfile (new File "C:\temp\source\"))
(def myfile2 (new File "C:\temp\out.txt"))
(defn recurse-files [file]
(if (.isDirectory file)
(apply str (map recurse-files (.listFiles file)))
(when (= (.getName file) "test.txt")
(let [reader (new BufferedReader (new FileReader file))]
(apply str (map
#(str (.getParent file) "/" % \newline)
(line-seq reader)))))))
(doto (new FileWriter myfile2)
(.write (recurse-files myfile))
(recurse-files myfile)
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Scala + Lift tutorial
If I go back to Scala heres a nice Lift tutorial link:
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Implicits (base converter)
Defining a method as 'implicit' means that it becomes global to that package. Use with extreme care!!
Here is an integer base converter which I wrote:
Note how we can now call methods on the integers themselves
Here is an integer base converter which I wrote:
Note how we can now call methods on the integers themselves
object Types {
case class NumberConverter(val i : Int) {
def octal = BaseBuilder(i, 8)
def hex = BaseBuilder(i, 16)
def mybase(base : Int) = BaseBuilder(i, base)
def BaseBuilder(i : Int, base : Int) : String = {
i match {
case 0 => ""
case _ => BaseBuilder(i/base, base) + baseToCharacter(i % base)
def baseToCharacter(i : Int) : String = {
return "" + {
if ( (0 to 9).contains(i) ) {
} else {
(i + 55).toChar
implicit def baseConverter(i : Int) : NumberConverter = NumberConverter(i)
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
println( 29 )
println( 29.hex )
println( 29.octal )
println( 15.mybase(16) )
println( 129.mybase(2) )
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Actors & Concurrency
Actors are the first thing I've found where Scala definently kicks Java's ass.
We dont use 'Synchronized' anymore. Instead each 'Actor' has a sort of 'mail box' or 'to do list' that other processes can call either Synchronously or Asynchronously.
Tip: Dont forget to call 'start' on your Actors.
! = Asynch call
!? = Synch call (wait for me!)
!! = Asynch call that returns a Future[T] value
reactWithin(n) = react within n milliseconds.
!?(n, param) = wait n seconds for result.
We dont use 'Synchronized' anymore. Instead each 'Actor' has a sort of 'mail box' or 'to do list' that other processes can call either Synchronously or Asynchronously.
package scalaexperiment
import scala.actors._
import Actor._
case class SayHi
case class SayThis(s : String)
case class GetActorStatus
object Actors {
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
val man = new Man1
(0 to 3).foreach( a => {
man ! SayHi //Asynchronous calls
man ! SayThis("gobblydgook "+a)
man ! Actors
println("I am going to wait here...")
val count = man !? GetActorStatus //Sychronous call
println("....For you to tell me how many times you were called: "+count)
class Man1 extends Actor {
val s = "From Actor> "
var count = 0;
def act = loop {
react {
count += 1
def doOptions : PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case GetActorStatus => reply(count)
case SayHi => println(s+"hi")
case SayThis(a) => println(s + a)
case _ => println(s+"Dont know what you asked me to say ")
Tip: Dont forget to call 'start' on your Actors.
! = Asynch call
!? = Synch call (wait for me!)
!! = Asynch call that returns a Future[T] value
reactWithin(n) = react within n milliseconds.
!?(n, param) = wait n seconds for result.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
More Partial Functions
Here I am defining a couple of PartialFunctions and using them:
Output [is unsurprisingly]:
I got an A
Normal handle c ..done
I got an A and the next letter is a B
Normal handle b ..done
def main(args :Array[String]) :Unit = {
def f1 : PartialFunction[List[String], String] = {
case "a" :: rest => "I got an A"
def f2 : PartialFunction[List[String], String] = {
case "a" :: "b" :: rest => "I got an A and the next letter is a B"
def f3 = f2 orElse f1
println( handleRequest2( "a"::"c"::"a"::"b"::Nil)(f3) )
def handleRequest2(req : List[String])
(exceptions : PartialFunction[List[String], String]) : String = {
if (req.isEmpty) {
} else if (exceptions.isDefinedAt(req)) {
exceptions(req) + "\n" + handleRequest2( req.tail )(exceptions)
} else {
"Normal handle "+req.head+" ..done" + "\n" + handleRequest2( req.tail(exceptions)
Output [is unsurprisingly]:
I got an A
Normal handle c ..done
I got an A and the next letter is a B
Normal handle b ..done
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